The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.


I participated actively in interfaith dialogue, which fostered cooperation and understanding among religious communities of various faiths. In my capacity as a board member of several non-profit organizations, I actively promoted community development and social justice. I demonstrated a dedication to service that transcended my proximity by engaging in multiple international mission travels, where I preached, and offered assistance, and support to individuals requiring it.


I eagerly took part in interfaith discussions, which help people of different religions understand each other and work together. I am also a member of several non-profit organizations where I fought for social justice and neighborhood growth. I am committed to helping people in need beyond my local community. I went on several foreign mission trips to help and support those in need.


 Since 2021, God has shifted my focus to the prison ministry. Motivated by the belief that every person is created in God's image and has the potential for good, by the power of the Holy Spirit I strive to bring hope, transformation, and spiritual guidance to those behind bars. I recognize that even individuals who have committed crimes deserve God's love and grace, and I seek to share the transformative power of the gospel message.

 As a coordinator, I intend to expand prison ministry in Palm Beach County, build a network for inmate transfers, and urge other Seventh-day Adventist churches to unify and coordinate their efforts for the "Three Angels Messages" to be delivered to convicts, their families, and friends.

 Provide worship services, Bible studies, and baptism opportunities to those who accept Jesus Christ as their savior.

Men's Day "I will GO, Men on A Mission"  - Exodus 3:10-13

The devil commissions people to destroy, kill, to enslave human beings but God also commissions people to restore, deliver, and set people free. God wants to send you to deliver the members of your family, your friends, and people around you who are still under the power of the enemy.

 When you have brought the people out under the power of the enemy, they will worship the true God.”

You are chosen for this mission to be the Moses of your generation.

Sam Dawsen

Delivering the Word of God During a Day of Fasting - Creole

The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger, and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.

 Psalm 145

Presenting the Sabbath School Lesson on Time To Pray Ministries' Platform

Family Time

How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1


Since 2018, I have served as a pivotal worship leader, leading the congregation in expressing their profound reverence and loyalty to God through music and singing. Having this dual job enables me to effortlessly combine my spiritual leadership with the act of worship, resulting in a powerful and cohesive experience for the congregation.

 I strive to possess a profound comprehension of scripture and exude a sense of reverence and influence within the audience. This enables pastors to proficiently conduct the worship experience, guaranteeing its conformity with the church's traditions, beliefs, and values.

 As a pastor, I must have the distinct privilege of merging spiritual guidance with the profound influence of music. Through meticulous music selection, offering spiritual counsel, and cultivating an environment of reverence, I am blessed with the talent to guide the congregation toward a transformative experience of reverence, dedication, and advancement in their spiritual path.


I know Serving others is one of the most effective methods to build Christlike character. 

I want to be an example of integrity by acting and speaking with honesty, fairness, and consistency. I strive hard to set a good example by preserving my family's moral principles and winning the trust and respect of others for the glory of God.

As a pastor, I believe, I should be a good communicator who can express difficult theological principles in a straightforward and approachable way. I adapt Christ’s communication style to interact with a wide range of people, boosting comprehension and engagement.

I recognize that I must display excellent leadership qualities by encouraging and motivating people to achieve spiritual development and serve the community. I pray that the Holy Spirit will give me the ability to lead with humility, acknowledging my own limits and seeking feedback from others.


My ability to preach the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to people in a way that is comprehensible, powerful, and convincing is a gift that God has bestowed upon me. It comes naturally to me to connect with individuals from all aspects of life, and I am deeply committed to Christian beliefs and the “Three Angels Message”. My ability to feed new believers with spiritual elements and establish relationships is another one of my areas of expertise.

 A good comprehension of the Bible, the capacity to speak effectively, a real love for people, a zeal for the gospel, and a readiness to share my faith with others are all gifts that I receive from God, and I am grateful to Him for this.


Community Chaplaincy
Ministering to Focused Communities
Christian Ethics & Leadership for the Military Chaplaincy
Philosophy, Foundations, & History of Chaplaincy